Antonio Basso abstract paintings
Hello and welcome. My name is Antonio Basso and I currently live in Barcelona.
Allow me to briefly introduce my contemporary abstract art. It deals with emotions, live and observation. From there a concept arises. It can be something happening around us (City Matrix collection); something inner to us that we may not specifically realize (Crossroads collection); things that capture my attention and I try to explain through composition and color (Space Occupancies collection), or it can simply be a human emotion that I try to express through an artwork (Ties collection and Decompositions abstract paintings).
My creative process is a plastic investigation. It involves thinking, observation, writing, sketching, material and composition election, physical intervention, photo taking, observation, and finishing. Some times I just destroy invalid pieces and start over again using the same surface with the rests of the previous intervention. These rests give “body” to the final abstract painting.
In the following video you can see one of my alternative art exhibtions in Barcelona.
None of my abstract paintings answers by itself the questions each concept raises. It is the set who does it. Each finished artwork individually adds a part to the solution, and the making goes on until I believe the explanation is completed. Once an abstract collection is finished I don´t work back on it.
Abstract Art is intriguing and captures my attention more than any other plastic expression. It reminds me of those ancient mysteries whose answer we haven´t been able to explain, and this fact makes us get deeply attracted to them. If my contemporary abstract art is ever able to lead a small portion of this attraction, I will be enormously satisfied and proudly surprised.
Enjoy your visit take a look at some of my exhibitions and to be updated on new paintings and collections subscribe to the newsletter, join the abstract art blog, or follow yasoypintor in any of its social media channels.
Check the following presentation to better understand my painting evolution since I started.