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Tag Archives: Antonio Basso paintings

New menus on this abstract art web page

New abstract paintings and abstract art exhibitions This is a fast post. I just want to inform all yasoypintor blog readers that I have opened two new menus on yasoypintor´s web page. The first one is called Decompositions abstract paintings. In this menu I show all the new abstract paintings I´m creating around this new concept I call DECOMPOSITIONS. You can also enjoy a video full on inspiring images, and …Read More

How an abstract artwork boosts creativity

When abstract art propels creativity. Hasn´t it happened to you that the sudden vision of something really amazing and unique (an artwork, a scene in the city, a landscape…) “turns on a special button” that for some unknown reason propels your creativity to levels you had never imagined you could get to before? Doesn´t it happen to you that the more art you see, the more difficult it is to …Read More

Abstract art painting | The muses are still generous with me

New abstract painting collection. Should I thank the muses? Yes. After quite some time around my already finished Space Occupancies abstract art series, I´ve just started a new collection of abstract paintings that promises to be hyper challenging. I hope the muses will still be around to keep offering me their creative generosity! By the way, I recommend you to watch this TED talk where writer Elisabeth Gilbert talks about …Read More

Abstract Art Exhibition | Contemporary art in Barcelona

Antonio Basso´s contemporary Art in Barcelona. Some months ago I wrote about how the Spanish art market had collapsed, and discussed the need to reinvent the way Galleries exhibit, at least in Barcelona, and why new proposals where needed in order to reactivate the market. Bárbara Aurell, a Barcelona´s interior designer at espacio en blanco, two years ago decided to start exhibiting contemporary art at her fabulous home-studio. Bárbara loves …Read More