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Tag Archives: Jorge Oteiza

Modern Art Museums | The power of online marketing to engage visitors

Great online marketing management by two modern art museums. The story I´m about to explain has to do with personal and online experiencies I´ve just had with two top modern art museums. After visiting (three weeks ago) one of the most interesting modern art museums I´ve ever been in, Museo Fundación Jorge Oteiza, I wrote an article about it and Oteiza´s abstract scultpure,  and sent it by email to the …Read More

Painting is dead | No it´s not, but some try it hard.

The death of modern painting: Richter, Angela de Cruz, Oteiza, Richard Serra. Out there there´s a never ending debate started long time ago (see this Constructivists exhibition in 1921) proclaiming the death of painting. While reading a Gerard Richter’s interview where he agrees with this, I said to myself, why would a consummate painter like Richter (top selling living artist) say this?. Let´s try to figure it out….. Painting as …Read More