Just figuring out why these new abstract color expressions have suddenly captured my attention so violently. Like the french would say “simplement incroyable”. Enjoy them.
The 9 most stunning abstract art facts of the year
Price records, surprinsing exhibtions, new creations, death of … Many sounded things have happened this year in the abstract art world. This post is a small summary of those that have had the highest number of visits and shares at yasoypintor´s abstract art blog or have impressed me the most. Enjoy the reading and feel free to add those abstract or contemporary art events that you consider to be the …Read More
Mark Rothko paintings vs Hiroshi Sugimoto photography
Comparing Mark Rothko paintings with Hiroshi Sugimoto´s photography. London´s Pace Gallery a leading contemporary art gallery is exhibiting Mark Rothko paintings and Hiroshi Sugimoto´s seascapes. The abstract paintings and landscape photographies exhibited are worldwide considered as masterpieces. As you may already know, Rothko said that his colorful abstract paintings represented men´s inner and mainly desperate, sad, “depressive” moods. It all had to do with men´s existance self pain. He was …Read More
Online art: Artsia, first curated fine art marketplace
Buy fine art online at Artsia. The artist-buyer relationship got complicated after the era of commissioned works came to a close. Once artists moved from structured portraiture and landscapes into realms of their own inspiration, buyers had to physically move from gallery to gallery to find what they were looking for. The introduction of the internet seemed to offer a solution, but the “mega websites” that have sprung up since …Read More
Abstract art inspirations: Best of the week discoveries (II)
Week´s best abstract art discoveries and recomendations. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on this abstract art blog´s home page. I normally find some of my conceptual abstract art inspirations surfing the web (I´m very active …Read More
Abstract art inspirations: Week´s best art discoveries (I)
Abstract art, modern art, contemporary art, photography, modern art museums, artists…. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on this abstract art blog´s home page Being an insatiably curious abstract artist helps me discover new things each …Read More
Understanding Contemporary and Modern Abstract Art
Contemporary abstract art based on inner primitivism. When I first saw the following colorful pictures made by Hans Silvester I said to myself that I had finally understood the basis of my contemporary abstract art. As you are about to see, these Ethiopian Tribus de L´Omo people are still close to nature, which is the same as being close to their inner origens, something humanity is loosing. As time goes …Read More
Contemporary photography: Colorful abstract art?
Modern abstract art photography I have just discovered these modern abstract art pictures made by Martin Klimas, an interesting german contemporary photographer.