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Tag Archives: modern art

Abstract art inspirations: Week´s best art discoveries (I)

Abstract art, modern art, contemporary art, photography, modern art museums, artists…. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on this abstract art blog´s home page Being an insatiably curious abstract artist helps me discover new things each …Read More

Modern Abstract Art: Abstract Artists Studios (I)

Brice Marden, Cy Twombly, Antoni Tapies. What would a modern abstract artist be without studio?. Artist´s studios are probably key for the devolopement of an artist. Light, location, disposition, many things affect the execution of a good abstract creation … In fact, a studio´s size 100% conditions the resulting artworks. It is generally said that the bigger they are, the bigger the abstract art creations. For this article I have …Read More

Underwater Sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor

I know, this post is not about abstract art. But what about the human emotions these Jason deCaires Taylor modern sculptures provoke?. Aren´t they similar to the ones that only good abstract artworks fuel?. What happens when you watch a Rothko or a Pollock abstract painting? Come on!!. This is the main reason I decided to reblog this article. The vision of this contemporary sculptures, brings to the light many …Read More

Atribuciones Pop

Interesting how this blogger has found images regarding a theme that has interested artists (both abstract and figurative) for a long long time. Although this is not abstract art, you can see good examples of modern and contemporary. Is it flesh what attracts that much?. What would you say?

Modern abstract painting: Abstract art step by step

Tie #11. New abstract creation by Antonio Basso This post is about a new abstract painting I´ve been working on for the last two and a half weeks. Yes, sometimes it takes time to finish a good abstract art work! Each abstract painting I make is not finished until it is. What does this mean? My experience tells me that the decision is mainly unconscious (at least apparently). When a …Read More

Abstract art : 2011, abstract painting evolution (part II)

Modern art by Antonio Basso: from figurative painting to a modern abstract art concept I finished the previous post with some new a never imagined by me abstract drawings. After making them, my modern art production started to flow again and has not gone back to figurative any more. I made more black and white abstract drawings. After finishing them I decided adding color to the following ones using pastels, …Read More

Modern Abstract Art: First abstract paintings exhibition (some pictures)

I want to share the pictures of my first abstract paintings exhibition made in July 2011 together with 2 yewelry designers (ela www.elajoyas.com , Inma Cañero) and another painter (Nacho Rodriguez) . You´ll see abstract art: pastels on paper, acrylics on canvas, and oils on canvas. It was a 100% success and a super inspiring experience that I recommed to any artist. Three yrs ago this happening was an imposible …Read More

Modern art commission: Bye Bye blue sequence.

Efectivamente, bye bye blue sequence pq alguien se ha llevado esta pintura para  disfrutarla. A mi modo de ver, cuando alguien se lleva un cuadro tuyo acaba de completar la obra. Sin espectador una obra cojea. En este caso, me hicieron un encargo. Era un regalo para una persona importante, muy amiga de quien regalaba. Me hablaron de ella, de Formentera, del motivo del regalo, de cómo le gustaban los …Read More