About contemporary art: unique art installations. I´ve already written twice about contemporary art installations, best modern art installations (which had lots of success and includes a list of recommended books) and art installations II. One of the most amazing things about contemporary art installations is the ability of artists that create them. They transform a small immaterial thought into big unique material expression. I call this process the literal alchemy …Read More
Tag Archives: contemporary art
Abstract art painting: Space Occupancy #18 by Antonio Basso
New abstract painting by Antonio Basso. Some of my abstract art collectors and readers (to whom I dedicate this article) tell me they enjoy when I write about a new abstract painting explaining the whole creative process. This post shows you the process of one of my latest abstract paintings that belongs to the series Space Occupancies (find more info about the origen of this abstract series in the following …Read More
Painting is dead | No it´s not, but some try it hard.
The death of modern painting: Richter, Angela de Cruz, Oteiza, Richard Serra. Out there there´s a never ending debate started long time ago (see this Constructivists exhibition in 1921) proclaiming the death of painting. While reading a Gerard Richter’s interview where he agrees with this, I said to myself, why would a consummate painter like Richter (top selling living artist) say this?. Let´s try to figure it out….. Painting as …Read More
About abstract art: this week´s greatests discoveries (IV)
Inspiring abstract art discoveries Last week´s abstract art inspirations found where again quite interesting… Abstract paintings by Mark Rothko and spanish NY school abstract artists Esteban Vicente; astonishig contemporary architecture by Mount Fuji Architecs, Stuido Ko hallucinatory Marrakesh villa, an intriguing kitchen´s photography of a Tomoaki Uno architects house and a fascinating Richard Serra sculpture. Enjoy them! In my previous about abstract art article, I started talking about the concept …Read More
Abstract art inspirations: Best of the week discoveries (II)
Week´s best abstract art discoveries and recomendations. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on this abstract art blog´s home page. I normally find some of my conceptual abstract art inspirations surfing the web (I´m very active …Read More
Abstract art inspirations: Week´s best art discoveries (I)
Abstract art, modern art, contemporary art, photography, modern art museums, artists…. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on this abstract art blog´s home page Being an insatiably curious abstract artist helps me discover new things each …Read More
New abstract art painting. How did it happened?
Antonio Basso´s new abstract art painting. The history of this new abstract art painting goes as follows: 1. José de Ibarra, a prestigious contemporary art gallerist, art dealer and owner of an exclusive art gallery guide, comes to my studio for the first time; likes what he sees, and asks me to make bigger abstract art paintings. He believes the results will be good. I agree… This post as many previous …Read More
Really expensive abstract art: Gerhard Ritchter
Gerhard Ritchter´s abstract painting sold for more than 20 MM. Today I read than one of Gerhard Ritcher abstract paintings belonging to his Abstraktes Bild´series, was sold last night for more than 21 USD MM. To see how this happens check this Gerhard Richter´s painting auction at Christie´s I just don´t care about how much his paintings are worth (though I´m sure that news like this affect my inner valuation …Read More
Abstract and contemporary art: Maximum expression and maximum intervention (part I)
Really very interesting abstract artists artworks This post is about abstract and contempary art artworks. It deals with a very interesting art classification I am developing and would like you to help me go forward. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists …Read More
Contemporary art: Damien Hirst´s abstract paintings
How much do you like Damien Hirst´s abstract paintings?. A marketing king probably surpassing Picasso. A multifaceted and controversial contemporary artist with a lot of punch. A modern business man with a bunch of collaborators who make part or most of his abstract art (like Velazquez, Rubens, Kiefer, Halley and many others did or do). This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be …Read More
Superb Modern Abstract Art: 4 splendid art installations (II)
Ephemeral abstract art from all over the world. For this article I include four more examples of superb modern art installations worth knowing and observing. Check this article for more great abstract art installationsas well as state of the art books on this subject To me, some common characteristics of these ephemeral contemporary art interventions are color, size or movement. Visually speaking, they are simply fantastic and inspirational. The above picture …Read More
Understanding Contemporary and Modern Abstract Art
Contemporary abstract art based on inner primitivism. When I first saw the following colorful pictures made by Hans Silvester I said to myself that I had finally understood the basis of my contemporary abstract art. As you are about to see, these Ethiopian Tribus de L´Omo people are still close to nature, which is the same as being close to their inner origens, something humanity is loosing. As time goes …Read More
Contemporary photography: Colorful abstract art?
Modern abstract art photography I have just discovered these modern abstract art pictures made by Martin Klimas, an interesting german contemporary photographer.
Modern abstract painting: Abstract art step by step
Tie #11. New abstract creation by Antonio Basso This post is about a new abstract painting I´ve been working on for the last two and a half weeks. Yes, sometimes it takes time to finish a good abstract art work! Each abstract painting I make is not finished until it is. What does this mean? My experience tells me that the decision is mainly unconscious (at least apparently). When a …Read More
Modern art paintings: The Nahmad Collection
Abstract art by: Miró, Kandinski, Malevich and Lucio Fontana These days, an important modern art (sXX) exhibition takes place at the Zurich’s Kunsthaus museum. The abstract and non abstract paintings showed belong to the Nahmad´s family exclusive, impressive and wide art collection (sources say it has more than 4.000 works), from which they have only chosen a houndred!!.
Abstract art : 2011, abstract painting evolution (part II)
Modern art by Antonio Basso: from figurative painting to a modern abstract art concept I finished the previous post with some new a never imagined by me abstract drawings. After making them, my modern art production started to flow again and has not gone back to figurative any more. I made more black and white abstract drawings. After finishing them I decided adding color to the following ones using pastels, …Read More