Jorge Oteiza modern art museum in Spain. When you find a jewel you simply know it. Jorge Oteiza´s modern art museum in Pamplona, Spain (a very well known city for its San Fermines as well as for being part of the Camino de Santiago), is one of them for many reasons… By the way, some months ago I wrote about another jewel: a top quality modern art museum in Spain …Read More
Online art: Artsia, first curated fine art marketplace
Buy fine art online at Artsia. The artist-buyer relationship got complicated after the era of commissioned works came to a close. Once artists moved from structured portraiture and landscapes into realms of their own inspiration, buyers had to physically move from gallery to gallery to find what they were looking for. The introduction of the internet seemed to offer a solution, but the “mega websites” that have sprung up since …Read More
Painting is dead | No it´s not, but some try it hard.
The death of modern painting: Richter, Angela de Cruz, Oteiza, Richard Serra. Out there there´s a never ending debate started long time ago (see this Constructivists exhibition in 1921) proclaiming the death of painting. While reading a Gerard Richter’s interview where he agrees with this, I said to myself, why would a consummate painter like Richter (top selling living artist) say this?. Let´s try to figure it out….. Painting as …Read More
About abstract art: this week´s greatests discoveries (IV)
Inspiring abstract art discoveries Last week´s abstract art inspirations found where again quite interesting… Abstract paintings by Mark Rothko and spanish NY school abstract artists Esteban Vicente; astonishig contemporary architecture by Mount Fuji Architecs, Stuido Ko hallucinatory Marrakesh villa, an intriguing kitchen´s photography of a Tomoaki Uno architects house and a fascinating Richard Serra sculpture. Enjoy them! In my previous about abstract art article, I started talking about the concept …Read More
Contemporary modern art: Abstract Sculptures by Laurent “Lo”
Fabulous abstract sculptures exhibition in Barcelona. Has it ever happened to you seeing contemporary modern art of a unique kind that you just can stop thinking about it? update: This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists names a read current posts you´ll fine on …Read More
Abstract and contemporary art: Maximum expression and maximum intervention (part I)
Really very interesting abstract artists artworks This post is about abstract and contempary art artworks. It deals with a very interesting art classification I am developing and would like you to help me go forward. This post as many previous ones collapsed some time ago!. Sorry. You will not be able to see the images but you can still enjoy the links, take a look at the artists …Read More
Underwater Sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor
I know, this post is not about abstract art. But what about the human emotions these Jason deCaires Taylor modern sculptures provoke?. Aren´t they similar to the ones that only good abstract artworks fuel?. What happens when you watch a Rothko or a Pollock abstract painting? Come on!!. This is the main reason I decided to reblog this article. The vision of this contemporary sculptures, brings to the light many …Read More
Abstract art and more: Tapies, Duchamp, Rauschenberg, Hirst
Modern art decontextualization. Last week, one of most expressive abstract and informalist artist of the 2oth century died. Antoni Tapies was with out no doubts one of the greatest committed and innovative spanish artists of all times.
My friend the photograph artist
Lleva haciendo fotos y “grandes” viajes desde 1993. Es sensible, muy sensible, aunque sus zapatos ingleses y trajes a medida disimulen esa sensibilidad. Viajar se ha convertido en uno de los motores de su vida, aunque en la de aquí es banquero .. Me dice “si pudiéramos viajar desde niños, este mundo sería un lugar todavía mejor donde vivir, pues seríamos conscientes de las distintas realidades del mundo y afrontaríamos …Read More