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Abstract and contemporary art: Maximum expression and maximum intervention (part I)

Really very interesting abstract artists artworks



This post is about abstract and contempary art artworks. It deals with a very interesting art classification I am developing and would like you to help me go forward.

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There are many ways of making art. I´m going to try to classify some abstract and contemporary art according to how expressive it is (maximum or minimun expression), and how much the artists “apparently or obviously” intervened in the making process (maximum or minimum intervention).

Let me start with this stunning contemporary installation called Bride Fight and made by E.V Day. This is a perfect example of maximum expression with maximum artist intervention. You may like it or not, but you must agree with the fact that the artist created a difficult to execute piece with enormous expressionist power.

Now take a look at this video made by smarthistory videos. You see a hipper expressive Jackson Pollock abstract painting called #1. Again it´s the same history. Pollock´s intervention was maximum (we all know about his 100% corporal and mental artistic techniques, see the picture below). The result is an abstract painting whose expressionist power is with out doubt immense.

Below, another good example. It´s a Gerhard Richter abstract painting. Fabolous, isnt it?. Color mixture, non stop movement, colors choosen, the strong way Richter spreads the painting all around the canvas. Superb expression and total intervention by the artist.

And to finish this first article about maximum expression and maximun artist intervention, I share one of Antonio Basso´s (me) abstract paintigs called Crossroads 004. Color contrast, infinite lines over lines, movement, some kind of equilibrium, hard phisical and mental effort, and quite a big size (160 x 130 x 4 cms). Hope you enjoy it.

If you are an abstract artist, would you classify your art according to this parameters?. Could you please share with us other abstract artists names or artworks within this classification?. Please add you comments below and help spread the word by sharing this article with others.

ps: Subscribe to yasoypintor abstract art blog to be updated, and share this post with it may interest. Thanks

I alwasy try to attribute images and videos to their creators. If there is something misattributed or you would like it to be removed, please contact me.


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8 Responses to "Abstract and contemporary art: Maximum expression and maximum intervention (part I)"

  • larkstudios
    April 27, 2012 - 3:04 pm Reply

    I really have trouble with the word abstract. It’s WAY overused. Initially it was understood – especially in the first quarter of the 20th century. Before that the impressionists were giddy about abstracting their subjects. And there in lies the point – to have an abstraction, you have to have something to abstract. Historians may disagree with me but the term abstract expressionism was seldom abstract – but expressionism describes it well. The term abstract clung to it as it gave it some grounding; in other words, people new what abstraction was but had difficulty intellectually making the transition away from something they knew and understood. Therefor the term became universally accepted. Picasso and Miro for example, were abstractionist as were Modigliani and early Kraser. Pollock is still my favorite and called an abstract expressionist – but what was he abstracting? Once we leave the word of representing what we see to what we are – we becom something else. You’ll hear a lot of this from me.

    • yasoypintor
      April 27, 2012 - 7:08 pm Reply

      Hi Lloyd, you are very wellcome to comment any time you want. I agree with you that the word abstraction is very overused. But, what can we do about this? Thanks a lot for dedicating time to add your ideas and thoughts.



      • larkstudios
        April 27, 2012 - 10:31 pm Reply

        The answer, Antonio, is to use it only where appropriate – if it is an abstraction. If we continue to use outdated labels then we are a part of the problem. Example: I brought a couple of works to a museum last month; one metaphorical and the other non-representational. She was used to seeing my metaphorical work but was surprised ant the other. Her comment was “What a wonderful non-representational work”. I thanked her for the use of the term. BTW, I re-posted my comment on my new blog site in expanded form with illustrations. See it at lloydatlark.blogspot.com.

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