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Understanding Contemporary and Modern Abstract Art

Contemporary abstract art based on inner primitivism. When I first saw the following colorful pictures made by Hans Silvester I said to myself that I had finally understood the basis of my contemporary abstract art. As you are about to see, these Ethiopian Tribus de L´Omo people are still close to nature, which is the same as being close to their inner origens, something humanity is loosing. As time goes …Read More

Contemporary art: space, color and shape

Conceptual and abstract modern art. Since the very beginning artists have worked around three main concepts: space, color and shape. The arrival of modern art, contemporary art, abstract art, visual art (you name it…), allowed artists to stay away from traditional “rules” while being able to add additional themes to their art works: texture, concept, emotions, objects, movement. But … What happens when a modern/contemporary abstract artist armonically integrates shape, …Read More

Modern abstract painting: Abstract art step by step

Tie #11. New abstract creation by Antonio Basso This post is about a new abstract painting I´ve been working on for the last two and a half weeks. Yes, sometimes it takes time to finish a good abstract art work! Each abstract painting I make is not finished until it is. What does this mean? My experience tells me that the decision is mainly unconscious (at least apparently). When a …Read More

Modern art paintings: The Nahmad Collection

Abstract art by: Miró, Kandinski, Malevich and Lucio Fontana These days, an important modern art (sXX) exhibition takes place at the Zurich’s Kunsthaus museum. The abstract and non abstract paintings showed belong to the Nahmad´s family exclusive, impressive  and wide art collection (sources say it has more than 4.000 works), from which they have only chosen a houndred!!.

Abstract art : 2011, abstract painting evolution (part II)

Modern art by Antonio Basso: from figurative painting to a modern abstract art concept I finished the previous post with some new a never imagined by me abstract drawings. After making them, my modern art production started to flow again and has not gone back to figurative any more. I made more black and white abstract drawings. After finishing them I decided adding color to the following ones using pastels, …Read More

Modern abstract paintings: Les 3 bleus de Joan Miró

Best Abstract Art by Joan Miró I finally enjoyed three unique abstract paintings in the history of abstract art history. They are the “three blues” of the great abstract surrealism painter Joan Miró. Check also this article to exclusively see Miro´s most valuable abstract painting. I’ve seen them in the anthology that is taking place in the Joan Miro Foundation in Barcelona. I recommend that all amateur  and abstract painting …Read More

Charlas con mis amigos pintores

En estos últimos meses he conocido a vari@s pintores de los que os iré hablando. Poco a poco vamos tejiendo una buena amistad. Disfruto visitando sus estudios, conociendo su historia, charlando sobre su pintura, la mía, la de otros, sobre temas universales pintados, sobre el compromiso del artista, sobre las dificultades históricas de acercar su obra al público, etc, etc… Es impresionante la de artistas comprometidos (en otros post hablaremos …Read More